Monday, September 7, 2009


The political structure as dictated to us seemingly exists as nothing beyond a consensus oriented linguistically facilitated mass hallucination.

Through our voluntary participation in such rituals as voting or through creating negativity in the morphogenetic field of humanity by using dichotomous and meaningless terms such as "liberal"/"conservative", "left"/"right", "rich"/"poor", etc. we further the fetishization of restrictive paradigms and feed them as though they were actual objects, thus allowing their continuation.

To vote is to energetically give consent to be ruled, and to feed inhumane and self-evidently insane power structures through validation of its existence and defined protocols.

To fight said power structures is to give them validity by acknowledging the limitation they cause, and serves only to stir them into more opressive tactics.

Don't fight, or attempt to work within the constraints imposed upon you - simply take a few steps in a different direction and attempt to spawn novelty in an attempt to subvert the madness and hatred.

Over and out.

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